Tips To Stop Excessive Sweating

May 21, 2017

There is basically no one on earth that can say that they never sweat. We sweat when we do something tedious like working out in the gym or running, we sweat when we are in a hot atmosphere and we also sweat when we are frightened.
Photo Credit: ladycarehealth
However, there are people that sweat more than other people around; they sweat when they just take a walk, they sweat when they are relaxed, they sweat when they are on a date (that could be really embarrassing).
Are you the kind that sweats excessively, well here are a few tips you can take to help you stop sweating.
1. Do You Love Spicy Foods? Avoid Them:
Photo Source: viral4real
Spicy foods can be a reason why you may be sweating excessively. The reason for this is that spicy food can stimulate ones sweat gland in such a way that is not desirable. According to Kelly Redbord of George Washington University "spices can activate neurotransmitters, called acetylcholine, which are located in your brain,". So, if you want to reduce that excessive sweat, stay away from spicy foods.

2. No To Caffeine:
Photo Source: popsugar
Are you the one that cannot say no to coffee, well excessive sweating can be the reason to stop taking caffeine. Just like in the case of the spicy foods, caffeine can also activate acetylcholine which could in turn bring about excessive sweating.

3. Use Your Antiperspirant In The Evening:
Photo Source: wisegeek
Most people use the antiperspirant usually in the morning after their bath and when they are heading out. However, the antiperspirant is way more effective when you use it in the evening. This is because sweat production is at it lowest in the evening and that helps the antiperspirant get into your pores easily and there by help to block Perspiration in the morning.

4. Use Your Antiperspirant In Other Areas Of Your Body:
It is a wonder how must people, who are trying to sweat less use their antiperspirant spray only on their pits. Well, the human body also have sweat glands in other areas of the body so you may want to use your antiperspirant on them. However, make sure you avoid your face as well as your private parts when you are doing this.

5. Salt and Lime Juice.
Photo Source: Instagram user/ healthy remedies
The salt and lime juice is also one of the most perfect mixture you can use to stop excessive sweating and it is pretty easy to do as well.
To make a good use of this, mix a tables spoon of salt and lime and then simply massage your hands with the mixture. This will decrease the activity of the sweat gland and as well reduce excessive  sweating.

6. Watch Your Diet: 
Photo Source: apsnewstimes
Excessive sweating can also be caused by the kind of food that you eat so another way you can help yourself get rid of the excessive sweating is by changing your diet and it still boils down to eating more vegetables and fruits.

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